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· 6 min read
John Cox

This was made in order to help students with the installation oF WSL, g++, and the work arounds using Visual Studio Code from Rincon's 2022 Fundamentals of Operating Systems class. If there is an update you'd like to add, please create a pull request with the changes.

- Troubleshooting is at the end for simple issues that may arrise!

· 6 min read
John Cox

Created on August 4, 2023
Last Edited on August 17, 2023


This guide was written for transfer students attending University of Houston. Written by a transfer student, I'll attempt to answer most of the common questions I see being asked in regards towards UH, or the Computer Science program, degree, and department.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is the primary language at UH? I'm sorry this one is the longest one.

UH uses C++ as it's primary language. If you know C++, you don't need to read this, lol. I'm a big advocate about understanding the fundamentals of one language, and if you come from Java, Python, Swift, etc. and you have learned Beginning fundamentals & Data Structures with a language other than C++, then transitioning into C++ will not be hard. The biggest change you may experience is the usage of pointers and references. You can find MANY videos about pointers & references on YouTube. Once you learn them, just start creating a simple project that will use those pointers, references, syntax usages, keywords, and functions that you will be using in C++. IF YOU DONT KNOW THE FUNDAMENTALS OF ONE LANGUAGE! You are then going to need to focus purely on C++. What I mean by this is to start watching videos and doing side projects about begineer fundamentals & Data Structures within C++.

2. What professors should I take for 'x' class

CougarCS Discord has a dedicated channel for class reviews for various professors (Majority of them being CS & math classes). You can also use & Rate My Professor.

3. I want to meet new people & possibly make new friends

JOIN CLUBS/ORGS! This is probably one of the most important things I will tell you for making/meeting friends. You can go on the GetInvolved website and find all the student organizations currently at UH. Hint: You should join CougarCS 😉

4. I'm shy about meeting new people. How can I meet new people when they all know one another already?

CougarCS has develop a system of ambassadors! One man and woman have been selected to be the designated person for all new people who prefer to slowly integrate themselves. You can find out the ambassadors are by looking on the CougarCS Discord under the Officer's channel.

5. How does my GPA work as a transfer student

UH doesnt take your previous GPA from any other institution into consideration. When you transfer to UH, you have no GPA. You start from the beginning, so with this in mind. Do NOT get D's or C's (if possible) in your classes. Always strive to do your best in your classes, when you notice yourself saying "I'll do this tomorrow" your slacking has already started. Create a schedule and stand by it.

7. I want an internship, how do I get one?

Start creating a resume. If you have projects under your belt its even better because it shows that you have a creative aspect and engineering aspect into creating the programs/softwares. If you don't have projects, start creating some. You will need to show recruiters that you can make something and display those skills. Lastly, start learning leetcode, since you'll be tested on your understanding with data structures and algorithms. Once you've done all that, start applying everywhere! Typically appliactions for the summer of the NEXT year will release the previous fall. (Ex: Summer 2024 internships, applications will release on August/September 2023). Apply to large companies and start up companies because you may never know what you will get! Good Luck!

8. Everyone is so smart and have projects. I feel like I'm nothing.

First of all, you're not nothing. We all were in a place where we thought everyone so much better. So with that, CREATE!. Start making projects, learning leetcode, or whatever that makes you happy and help advance you academically. If you want to get an internship and don't have projects under your belt, so creating projects like websites, social media apps, research, or something that shows companies you are a innovative student. If you need help, ask for help, don't be scared to ask for help!

Course Codes:

Course CodeCourse Name
COSC 1336Computer Science & Programming
COSC 1437Introduction to Programming
COSC 2436Programming and Data Structures
COSC 2425Computer organization & Architecture
COSC 3320Algorithms and Comoplexities
COSC 3340Introduction to Automata and Computability
COSC 3360Fundamentals of Operating Systems
COSC 3380Design of File and Database Systems
COSC 4351Fundamentals of Software Engineering
COSC 4353Software Design
N/AComputer Science Elective Classes
COSC 3337/4335Data Science 1
COSC 3371Cybersecurity
COSC 4315Programming Languages and Paradigms
COSC 4332Medical Robotics and Image Guided Interventions
COSC 4348Introduction to Gaming Art and Animation
COSC 4349Intermediate Gaming Art and Animation
COSC 4354Software Development Practices
COSC 4355Introduction to Ubiquotous Computing
COSC 4358Introduction to Interactive Game Development
COSC 4359Intermediate Interactive Game Development
COSC 4364Numerical Method
COSC 4368Artificial Intelligence Programming
COSC 4370Interactive Computer Graphics
COSC 4372Fundamentals of Medical Imaging
COSC 4377Introduction of Computer Networks
COSC 4390Introduction to Internet Computing
COSC 4393Introduction to Digital Imaging Processing
COSC 4397Selected Topics in Computer Science
N/ABelow are SPECIFIC to Senior Sequence
COSC 4354Software Development Practices
COSC 4337Data Science II

· 10 min read
Ashish Job

Lately, there's been quite a bit of requests from individuals seeking research opportunities for undergraduates. Finding such labs can be a bit challenging, so I've gone ahead and compiled a list of the ones that I know below. If there are any additional ones you'd like to include, feel free to let me know, and I'll be sure to add them!

Before you look at the table below, here's a pdf I found for Research projects for Undergrad Students with UHCS Faculty for Spring 2024!

· 10 min read
Ashish Job

Just a guide with some valuable advice for freshmen entering the Computer Science program at the University of Houston (UH) that I learned during my own experience as a Freshman here.

Covering aspects such as professional development, education, involvement in CS clubs, and seizing various opportunities, it provides practical insights to help navigate your academic and career journey successfully.

· 3 min read
Brody Pen

Behind the facade of cutting-edge technologies, promising career prospects, and the allure of Silicon Valley success stories lies a grim reality: the average computer science curriculum sucks. It is not just your university, even top-tier schools like Stanford are known to have an awful curriculum.

Here are the resources I used to supplement these shortcomings.